Saturday, July 16, 2011

Self Love: Learning To Relax

Like I mentioned in my post yesterday, I'm at the beach right now!

Fantastic, isn't it?

It's beautiful, and I'd definitely be fine staying here another week or two! One thing I love about vacations like this is that there are no real responsibilities. I can do what I want to do, when I want to do it. I can disconnect from the world of email, clients, chores, and grocery shopping to focus on taking care of me! Remember that, generally speaking, we cannot give to others what we don't have. And so, from time to time, I think it's crucial to take some time away to relax, breathe, and rejuvenate. 

That being said, here are some of my favorite ways to take care of myself on a relaxing vacation:
  • Reading: I love to read, but most of the time when I have the time to read, it's something related to work. While I love that type of reading, it's good to kick back with a fun book and enjoy it without having to apply it to work!
  • Walks on the Beach: I obviously love being around people and observing them, and the beach is a perfect place for that! The beach obviously draws all sorts of people, and many times I break down in laughter over the characters I see there. Besides that, I love walking in the surf with waves hitting my legs! Thrown in a yummy drink, and it's even better!
  • Yoga By the Pool: Let's be honest. What better location is there for yoga then under palm trees or by a pool? This slows my mind and my breathing, and gets me to focus on my body and the movements I'm making. It's the perfect component to a self care week!
  • Journal: We see things different on paper then we do in our heads, and writing provides that different perspective on ourself or a situation that we are in currently. Writing provides a way of working through. It's also a great place to keep track of goals and progress. 
  • Sleeping in! No more early morning alarm clock this week for me!
Alright, I'm off to continue my self-care vacation! 

What I'd like to know:
What's your favorite beach activity?
How are you taking care of yourself this weekend?

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