Friday, March 11, 2011

The Best Laid Plans... {And randomness from the week}

Do you ever have those nights (or weeks) that are full of good intentions and plans, and yet when the time comes, everything changes and nothing planned actually happens? Well, that's how most of this week has been for me. Last night, for example, I actually got out of work at around 5:15, and had nothing on the schedule for the evening. And, you may call me a nerd, I was excited to use my free evening to read up on some of the latest research on perfectionism. However, with a long series of phone calls that came in one after the next, and a friend in need, it was soon 10 o'clock and I had done nothing. Well, at least nothing that I had planned. But sometimes things pop up that we don't plan, and we have to be flexible and adjust. 

Tonight I will be writing the next few posts of my perfectionism series. If you have any questions about it, I'll do my best to answer. In the meantime, why not read up on the posts in the series so far?
I'd be remiss to skip over the devastation that occurred in Japan today. Words don't really seem so appropriate for the magnitude of what occurred...I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to those there, and for family & friends of those living in Japan. 

Despite the fact that there's been a lot of stress and unrest in many parts of the world the last few weeks, my day was rather calm and peaceful. I'll leave you for the night with a few pictures from my day:

My day started with a free Earl Gray Tea latte on my way to work 

Then a friend stopped by work to give me some flowers. So pretty & spring-ish! 

Then, driving home, I saw this beautiful scene. LOVE it.

Despite the pain & devastation going on, did you have good moments in the day? 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post & pics! Your words bring perspective...I'm praying for all affected too. Thank you for sharing! :) Blessings!
