Thursday, February 3, 2011

Basics of the Cognitive Therapies

This will be the first post in a series based on Cognitive Therapies & dealing with Cognitive Distortions & Negative Self Talk. My goal in this post will be to familiarize you, the reader, with some general ideas behind the cognitive therapies and how each of us can distort reality.

Within The Cognitive Therapies, There Are Several General Attributes:
*Collaborative relationship between client and therapist
*Premise that psychological distress is largely a function of disturbance in cognitive processes 
*Time-limited & educational treatment focusing on specific & structured treatment problems

Why Focus On Cognitions?
* What a person thinks has a great impact on his or her feelings and behaviors
* We must be aware of how we think, feel, and behave before behavior modification can happen.

The Cognitive Triad
A pattern that triggers depression:
1. Clients hold a negative view of themselves & blame their setbacks on personal inadequacies
2. Clients have a tendency to interpret experiences in a negative manner
3. Depressed clients tend to have gloomy visions and projections about the future. They expect difficulties to continue, and they anticipate only failure in the future.

Rationale Emotive Behavior Therapy
*Albert Ellis says "People disturb themselves by the things that happen to them, and by their views, feelings, and actions."
*We have a strong tendency to escalate our desires and preferences into dogmatic "shoulds", "musts", "oughts", demands, and commands
*Internalizing these things can lead to frustration, unhealthy beliefs, depression, or anxiety

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