Monday, February 13, 2012

Thankfulness Project Monday

"There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy."
-Ralph A. Blum

I'll be honest. I'm tired tonight (it's Sunday night as I type this). I've had a really busy and excitingly fun weekend, and it's worn me out. This weeks list of what I'm thankful for will be short and sweet, but it doesn't mean I'm feeling any less thankful! 

  • Sleep: This week was busy and fun, but it included a lot of late nights and early mornings. I'm feeling really tired right now, and looking forward to my nights of sleep over the next couple nights. I'm thankful for sleep, and how it allows us to be a healthy, well functioning individual. 
  • A time to think about love: I know some people get frustrated if they are single this time of year. You know what? It's OK! This time of the year is a great reminder to focus on those you love, and how you love them. This includes friends, family, AND YOURSELF. Although I don't love the hallmark holiday so much, I do enjoy the reminder of loving those around us. 
  • The opportunity to do what I love to do: While I was originally thinking about this in terms of my job, I guess it reaches much more then that. I'm thankful for my job, as well as getting to engage in hobbies that I enjoy.
  • Sports games on the weekend: FUN! It's a chance to get out and cheer and enjoy time with others. I love watching them:)
  • Good food: I had quite a bit of that this weekend too. Yummm. 
Simple list, but I'm still feeling thankful today. 

Now it's your turn!
What are you feeling thankful for today? Do you catch up on sleep on the weekends, or do you usually find yourself more sleep deprived by the end of it?

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